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BeitragVerfasst: Sa 16. Okt 2010, 11:20 

Registriert: So 27. Jul 2008, 20:34
Beiträge: 1639
Wohnort: Suomi
Here is my new fiction. I wrote it in 3 days! Yes, I know it's unbelievable. Well I hope that you will like the idea of a meeting where the jumpers are telling the story of their life in 2020.

All the ideas come from my strange imagination and it's not reflecting the reality.

Enjoy the reading and don't forget to post comments!


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Verfasst: Sa 16. Okt 2010, 11:20 

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BeitragVerfasst: Sa 16. Okt 2010, 11:20 

Registriert: So 27. Jul 2008, 20:34
Beiträge: 1639
Wohnort: Suomi
Everything was ready. The three friends checked again the list to be sure that they didn’t forget something. “The rooms are ready. I wrote the names on the doors. Nobody is missing,” said the Pole with the mustache. “The fridge is full and my team is ready to cook. If someone has an allergy, is vegetarian or anything else special, no problem, we have special meals,” explained the blond Finn. “I’m ready with the entertainment. I can play the music as soon as the guests arrive and the games and tables for tonight are ready. I’ve enough wood for the sauna and the barbecue outside is prepared for the evening sausages. I’m proud of us. We finally made it,” said the Norwegian while he looked at the dining room.

Less than three hours later the dining room was full. All the guests were there. The three friends got up and the Pole took a microphone. “Hi everybody. Thanks for coming and welcome to Norway. First I’ve to thank Björn Einar Romören for renting that big house in the forest near that beautiful lake. During a year he worked a lot to make that project real. We can applaud him!” The guests applauded the Norwegian with energy. Some of them also whistled. “Thanks guys,” Björn said while he spoke in the microphone. “Well the idea of that meeting comes from Veli-Matti Lindström. Once he sent me a message asking for some news of me and the other Norwegian jumpers. I was a bit embarrassed because I didn’t know what to answer. When I quitted ski jumping I was not in touched with the others. If I remember well I just had a cup of coffee with Roar Ljökelsöy eight years ago and I met Anders Jacobsen during my holiday in Australia some years ago. Then Vellu proposed to organize a meeting somewhere with all the ski jumpers. I thought that it was a good idea but that it would be a huge challenge to contact everybody.” Then Björn gave the microphone to Veli-Matti that continued the story. “I knew that Adam Malysz had a list with many of your addresses and phone numbers that he collected during his farewell party. When I talked about the project he was immediately enthusiast. First we created our committee and started to plan the research. Some of you were not easy to find. When the list was completed Björn proposed to meet in Norway because in June it is the best season and he is working in a real estate agency and could find the perfect place for us to meet. And he found this little paradise. You all know what happened next. We contacted you and most of you decided to come. Thanks everybody for coming and welcome to the first world wide meeting of ski jumpers!” The audience applauded happily the three members of the committee.

“Before to eat the wonderful dinner that Veli-Matti and his team hve prepared I would like to tell you that two jumpers are unfortunately dead. In 2012 Michael Neumayer was in mission for the police and during the arrest of some criminals he was badly injured. He deceased some days later at the hospital. Four years ago Roar Ljökelsöy was visiting Sigurd Petterson in his farm. Both drank a lot but Roar refused to sleep at Sigurd’s place. On the way back, Roar missed a curve with his car. Sigurd told me to excuse him to don’t be able to come to the meeting. So now I would like that we observe a minute of silence for our two friends.” Everybody crossed his fingers and inclined the head. For some of them it was a shock to hear that they were dead since years and to never have heard about it.

“The dinner has been prepared by the Bio Fork, my catering company in Helsinki. The menu for tonight is grilled chicken with mashed potatoes and carrots. Here is a salad buffet. Feel free to serve yourself. If someone is vegetarian don’t hesitate to tell me. Enjoy the meal!” Veli-Matti said before to sat at the Finnish table. “So guys, did you have a great flight?” Vellu asked to his former teammates. “Yes, that was great. We flew together with Finnair. But Janne, you were not there. With which company did you flight?” Matti Hautamäki asked. “Norwegian. Why?” Ahonen answered. “You’re not faithful to Finnair?” Matti asked with a bit of irony in the voice. Janne felt it. “I’m here. What’s the problem?” “Ohoho stop it right now. It is a peaceful meeting. Not a fight club. Do you like the food?” Vellu asked to change the subject of the discussion. “Yes, I like it. Much better than at work,” Tami Kiuru commented. Suddenly the mobile phone of Harri Olli rang. “Excuse me,” he said before to talk in a low voice. “Yes, I’m arrived. Everything is fine. I call you tomorrow. Good night. I love you.” “You have a girlfriend?” asked Matti curious. “No, I’m married.” “Can you tell us more? How is she? Since when are you married?” “Okay I tell you my story.”


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BeitragVerfasst: Sa 16. Okt 2010, 11:24 

Registriert: So 27. Jul 2008, 20:34
Beiträge: 1639
Wohnort: Suomi
Harri Olli

Harri didn’t change much. His hair was dark brown, almost black. But unfortunately much of them were missing. In the morning he tried to hide his baldness with his long hair. But at that moment of the day he looked more like a scare-crow. He was wearing a shirt with short sleeves and little beige and brown squares and had a brown trouser. He was 35 years old but because of these clothes he looked over 40. “As you probably remember I ended my career after the Olympics in Sochi in 2014. I had no more motivation to continue and I wanted to do something else in my life. I finished my studies at the university in mathematics. Then I studied biology. During my trainee I was working on a project in Helsinki about the mutation of the flu virus in a laboratory. During the presentation of our results I met a lot of people. But I spent much of my time with Nina that was interested in my work. She was specialized in the mutations of cells. Like for example when they are infected by the AIDS or other bacteria’s. She offered me a job in her company that I accepted. We often had lunch together and talked about everything. Once I invited her for a picnic on my island.”

“You have an island! Wow! I’m jealous. Maybe you can invite us to have a barbecue? So you were already dating?” Janne Happonen asked. “No, she was just a colleague and I liked to discuss with her. You know between clever people.” “I see. We are stupid people,” added Matti. Harri crossed his arms and was not sure if he wanted to continue. “Please guys! Let him talk,” calmed down Veli-Matti.

“I didn’t know if I liked or loved her. It was a strange feeling. A couple of times per month we went out for a movie, visiting a museum, going to the opera and so on. At work some colleagues started to talk about us. It was quite embarrassing. Once I made a mistake while I was manipulating a DNA sample while I heard a comment. I was not concentrating at hundred percent. Then during three weeks we didn’t meet. But I felt so alone. I wanted to see her. In our next meeting I asked her if she wanted to be my girlfriend. She accepted. We got married less than a year later in 2018. Now we are living in a beautiful house and I still have my island.”

“Do you have kids?” asked Janne Ahonen. “Well… we loved to have one. But we are quite busy and a child means sacrifices. I don’t know if we are ready,” he explained. “If you really want one, don’t wait too much. After 40 years old it’s much more difficult,” commented Veli-Matti. “I’m not psychologist but are you sure that the reason is your jobs?” asked Janne Happonen. After a hesitation Harri continued: “Yeah you’re right. We think that one of us is sterile and I’ve to admit that it’s the drama of our life.” Havu put his hand on the shoulder of Harri to comfort. “Have you tried the artificial insemination?” Matti proposed. “Yes, three times. Three failures.” “And to adopt?” Vellu said. “No, but maybe we’ll think of it someday. Can I have more wine?”


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BeitragVerfasst: So 17. Okt 2010, 17:34 

Registriert: So 27. Jul 2008, 20:34
Beiträge: 1639
Wohnort: Suomi
Veli-Matti Lindström

Veli-Matti had a rounded belly and was probably weighting twenty kilos more than when he was a jumper. But he seemed to be happy. He was energetic and smiled easily. His blond hair was short and none was missing. He was wearing a red t-shirt, a blue jeans, sport shoes and glasses. “My life was not easy too but now it is okay. Let’s start with ski jumping. After some difficult years I concentrated on my studies. I studied hotel and restaurant management. My first job was to peel the potatoes in a hotel. It was not exactly what I expected after graduation. I went back to ski jumping and I was surprisingly good again. I joined the national team for the season 2012/2013. I won in Engelberg and got a bronze medal with the team in the World Championships in Val di Fiemme. At the end of the season I married my girlfriend Kathrina that I met few years ago in a Christian conference in Helsinki and we moved to that city. In May I went for a bicycle ride with my best friend. But a crazy drunk driver crashed us and left. My friend was killed and I was badly injured. My right leg was so damaged that the doctors didn’t know if they had to amputate. Luckily Matti and Havu were riding motorbikes on the same road and called the ambulance. It’s because of them that my leg was saved. I thank you once more guys. And it is also at that moment that we met again and we’re in touch. As you can guess my ski jumper career was ended.”

“After a long recovery I was thinking of what to do of my life. I was married and my first son, Oliver, was born four months after the accident. Now I’ve four boys: Oliver, Kimi, Aleksander and Juha. The last one was born six months ago.” “You have four children!” exclaimed Harri surprised. “Yes, and I’m very happy even if it is not easy every day.” “You can give one to Harri,” Matti joked but nobody seemed to appreciate his humor.

“So, I continue my story. When I was able to walk again I went to visit Havu at work. Havu is policeman. I was under shock when I saw what he was eating: 12 coffee cups per day, hot dogs, sandwiches, fast food and other unhealthy food.” Havu smiled. He was remembering Vellu’s face. “Then every day I was cooking for him some good and healthy meals that he just had to warm in the microwave. First his colleagues were laughing. But then they became interested. Finally I was cooking for almost all the police office. Suddenly I realized that there was a need. Maybe the situation was the same in other companies. And I created the Bio Fork. I’ve 5 cooks, 2 drivers to deliver the meals to the companies and an assistant for administration. The police office was my first client. But now I’ve 6 companies to serve every day.” “This is great! You should also bring food to my company,” Matti said. “I got some extra kilos because of the unhealthy food we have and I’m too lazy to go to the gym after work,” he explained.


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BeitragVerfasst: Mo 18. Okt 2010, 18:55 

Registriert: So 27. Jul 2008, 20:34
Beiträge: 1639
Wohnort: Suomi
Matti Hautamäki

Matti didn’t change much in appearance. He had some extra kilos but it was not that bad either. Near his eyes he had more wrinkles and he seemed to be quite tired. He was wearing a Gant light blue long shirt and a black trouser. His hair was still dark brown without white ones. Maybe was he coloring it at the hairdresser? While they were eating the dessert that was a panna cotta with raspberry sauce, Matti told his story. “After my last ski jumping season I was depressing. I had almost a burn-out. My doctor suggested that I left Finland during winter for a warm country. And I did it. I went to Dubai. Don’t ask me why. But I was ignoring that the alcohol was forbidden in that country! I thought of going back immediately. But I already paid the hotel and wanted to enjoy. It was so luxurious. You can’t imagine. It was perfect. At the bar of the swimming pool I talked with guys. They were talking the story of their lives and it was so great. They were all successful businessmen. I felt quite stupid and I decided to invent a life. I said that I was working in the finance in a bank. And they believed my story!” “So you lied to professionals? It was risky. Did they discover the truth?” Janne Happonen asked. “Luckily no. But I gave some advises, they listened to me and the next day they told me that they earned 100.000$! It was incredible. They were so happy that they gave me 10 percent. In the evenings in my room I was trying to understand the movements of the stock market and read many reports. But it was more poker than sure propositions. I knew that it was dangerous. What would happen if one guy lost a lot of money? I immediately left Dubai and came back to Finland.”

“My life had to change. I moved to Helsinki and studied finance. It was not easy because I’ve always hated school and I was old. I was more than 12 years older than the others! But it was three great years with a lot of parties. I almost became an alcoholic but I survived. Since three years I’m working in the dealing room of a bank and I like it. It’s challenging, everyday is different and it’s so great to be successful. And I earn in few days more than what I earned in one season!” “Sounds great. So, you’re life is perfect. You’re rich and happy now. What about your private life if I may ask,” requested Harri Olli. “I’ve two cats.” “No I mean your love life,” Harri specified. “My life is not that perfect. And my love life is… let’s say complicated. I don’t know how many girlfriends I had but they never stayed more than a month with me,” he explained a bit embarrassed. “Maybe you’re gay,” laughed Janne Happonen. “No, I’m not. For sure. It’s time for a cigarette. I go outside.”


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BeitragVerfasst: Mo 18. Okt 2010, 19:22 

Registriert: So 27. Jul 2008, 20:34
Beiträge: 1639
Wohnort: Suomi
Cigarette break

In front of the house all the smokers were observing the landscape. It was already late but there was the midnight sun. The temperature was very pleasant. Cool but no need to wear a jacket. Janne Ahonen was sat on the grass alone, his cigarette in the hand. Veli-Matti approached and sat next to him. “It’s a nice evening, isn’t it?” “What do you want?” Janne answered while he was looking at the lake. “I saw at the table that you were not at ease when we talked about our lives. Are you afraid to tell your story?” “My life is not interesting. I’ve nothing to say.” “Everybody has something to say. Last time we met was more than ten years ago. I can guess that your life was not easy just while I look at you. You seem to be skinnier than in ski jumping, you don’t color your hair anymore and you seem to be neglected. You also look older than you are. You have much more wrinkles than Adam for example that has the same age. You also seem to be sad. You remind me when I thought that my life was destroyed after the accident,” Veli-Matti said. “Okay I’ll tell something. But not everything. Can I be the last one?” “Sure,” assured Vellu.

“Hi Matti! Nice to see you.” Matti looked at the former jumper that was in from of him. He knew that face but what was his name? “It’s me, Georg Späth.” “Oh yes! Sure! Nice to see you again. What’s up?” “Well I’ve my own business and I’ve a happy life.” “You’re married with kids?” “No I’m living with my boyfriend.” Matti couldn’t believe it. He was so surprised that his cigarette fell on the ground. “I’m… I’m happy for you. Well… I would never guess that you were…” “Don’t be so shy. And it’s not an illness. You will not be gay after have talked to me.” Matti lighted his cigarette and proposed one to Georg that accepted. “Do you know what company I have?” the German asked. “Well… no. I’ve no idea. Some fashion maybe.” He laughed and explained that he had a condom factory. “I’ve put one on the night desk of everybody. So that everybody will know my company,” he explained. “That’s great but we will not use them. Our wives and girlfriends are not there and we are not gay. I mean not many of us are gay,” Matti explained with difficulties. He tried to don’t offend his former opponent.

“Havu, Havu, did you know that Späth is gay?” Matti reported. “No. I’m happy for him.” “It’s disgusting. Can you imagine him with a man in the same bed?” “Matti, what do you have against gay people? It’s a choice and if he is happier with boys than with girls, it’s good for him. Did you have any bad experience?” Happonen asked. “No,” Matti firmly answered before to finish his cigarette.


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BeitragVerfasst: Di 19. Okt 2010, 17:01 

Registriert: So 27. Jul 2008, 20:34
Beiträge: 1639
Wohnort: Suomi

When everybody was back inside they saw that there was a card game on each table and piles of chips. Björn Einar Romören was waiting that all the guests were sat before to talk in the microphone. “I heard that you had nice discussions and that you told your story to the others. Probably not all of you had time to talk. It’s not a problem. But everybody will have to talk during that three days meeting. Right now I’d like that we play poker. Everybody knows the rules?” “No, I don’t,” said Martin Höllwarth, the Austrian. “Okay, so here I printed the possible combinations and I asked the others to be nice and to help those who don’t know well the rules. The game is friendly and we don’t play for money. If someone cheats he will have to quit the game immediately. When you have lost, you can stay and look at the others playing or you can have a sauna with beer. And for the winner of each table, there is a little price and tomorrow all the winners will play together. Which nation will be the best? Enjoy the game!” the Norwegian wished while he played the music from his computer. He chose the American list. He thought that it was the right choice for a poker game.

“I’m sorry. I’m late.” All the Finns looked at the late comer. It was the big brother of Matti, Jussi. “What have you done? You went to Kirkenes?” Matti asked. “No, I had a little problem at the airport with the customs.” “You didn’t need to bring alcohol. We did the shopping,” explained Veli-Matti. “Do you have everything?” asked Matti. “Yes, don’t worry.” Harri Olli looked at Janne Happonen. Both didn’t understand what the Hautamäki were talking about. “Are you hungry?” asked Vellu. “No, thanks. I ate a sandwich on the way.”

The Finnish game started ten minutes later than the other tables. Veli-Matti was the first one to quit the game. Few minutes later Happonen was out. Both stayed at the table to look at the other players. Suddenly the game became more active and more risky. Harri Olli was verifying every often his cards and he looked stressed. The others noticed it. Without a surprised, Harri lost. Matti was leading. But Tami Kiuru that was discreet until that moment was not bad at all. Jussi Hautamäki and Janne Ahonen were in danger. They had to absolutely win quickly otherwise they would run out of chips.

“Where is Kalle Keituri?” asked Havu to Vellu. “He is in holiday with his family for three weeks. He wanted to come but it was impossible. He apologizes,” the blond Finn explained. “What about Ville Larinto?” “I have no idea. Nobody knows where he is. His father died three years ago and I don’t know where his mother lives. I checked on the online phonebook but his name is not there. At the ski club of Lahti nobody knows. I hope that nothing bad happens to him,” Veli-Matti wished. “Yeah, me too. And Arttu Lappi?” “Arttu is at the moment very busy. As you know he is a lawyer. He is at the court to defend the athletes that used doping products during the Olympic Games 2018. Some cross-country skiers if I understood well. I don’t know how he will manage to win.”


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BeitragVerfasst: Di 19. Okt 2010, 17:02 

Registriert: So 27. Jul 2008, 20:34
Beiträge: 1639
Wohnort: Suomi
Jussi Hautamäki and Janne Ahonen were eliminated during the same round. “I need a beer,” said Jussi quite disappointed to be out. “There are some drinks on the table outside,” explained Vellu. The unlucky players went to the table. They all chose a beer expect Ahonen that took a Cola glass. “I can’t believe it. You’re not drinking a beer by that beautiful night and with good friends,” Jussi said. “I’m not in the mood.” “But you lost the game. Like us. You must be disappointed,” he commented. “No, my cards were just shit. I was unlucky from the beginning. When I won against Havu it was because I lied. His cards were much better than mine. So I’m not disappointed. I’m surprised to have played so long,” Janne told while he lighted a cigarette.

“Who wants to have a sauna?” asked Veli-Matti. “I’d like,” answered Harri. Havu accepted too but not Jussi and Janne. When there were in the hot sauna Jussi proposed to Janne: “If you want something to feel better, tell me.” “What do you mean? And I’m fine,” Janne answered a bit nervous. “Come on! Let’s have fun. You look so… well I don’t know how to explain. You look like my grand-father, moody as well and unhappy like a stone. I can bring your smile and happiness back.” Janne laughed. He never heard so stupid sentences. Jussi was looking for something in his pocket. “Take it.” Janne looked at his hand. It was a rounded pill. “It’s the reason why you were stuck at the airport?” “Come on! Do you want to be sad with your Cola or enjoy the evening with my little pill. There is no risk. Look, I’m fine and I took two today.” Janne thought that he would not be quiet. He finally decided to accept.

Matti wanted to win the game. He wanted to be the best Finn and the next day to play against the best player of each country. But Tami didn’t seem to have weaknesses. He was playing like a master. “Tell me Tami. Where have you learnt to play poker?” “First with friends, then I played on the internet. At the beginning it was not easy but then I was quite good. Once I won a big tournament. I got 10.000$.” Matti was impressed. How could he beat him? Which strategy to use? “What have you done with the money?” “I went in holiday with my wife to the Caribbean. It was great. Three weeks on a luxurious boat. 5000, do you follow me?” Matti looked at his cards. He had a queen and a ten. There were good cards but was it enough? 5000 was a lot. But maybe he was bluffing. “Okay I follow you. Do you play poker in casino?” “Rarely. And you?” “Maybe once a year. Show me your cards,” Matti asked. “No! That’s not possible! You’re fucking lucky tonight,” Matti exclaimed, quite jealous. Tami had two six and on the table there was a queen, an ace, a six, a four and a three. Matti gave his chips to Tami that had a huge advantage on Matti.

“Hey guys. Who wins?” Janne Ahonen said while he sat. “Looks at the chips,” said Matti nervous. During that round all the other ex-jumpers came back from the sauna to see who would represent Finland the next day in the big game. “Martin Schmitt will represent Germany,” said Harri Olli. “Yeah and I saw that Anders Jacobsen and Thomas Morgenstern won,” added Janne Happonen. “That will be so interesting!” exclaimed Veli-Matti.

Finally Tami won. Matti congratulated his opponent. The others did the same. “So, Tami. Now it’s your turn to tell your story,” said Veli-Matti Lindström.


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BeitragVerfasst: Mi 20. Okt 2010, 15:38 

Registriert: So 27. Jul 2008, 20:34
Beiträge: 1639
Wohnort: Suomi
Tami Kiuru

He crossed his legs and took his glass of water. Tami was the oldest around the table. He was 44 years old. He was wearing glasses, had dark blond short hair and many winkles. It was probably because his skin was dry. He had a black t-shirt and a black trouser. “Well, my life just looks like a normal life. After my ski jumping career I studied networking. Then I worked in a WLAN company. But the work was not that interesting and I didn’t like some of the colleagues. I studied photography. I was quite good at it. I opened a studio one year later but it was not as successful as what I expected. In the evening I studied again some networking to update my skills. I worked in different companies during the past six years. Finally I moved from Lahti to Helsinki. The job there was more challenging. Now I work in the IT team of a bank,” he explained. “Which bank? Nordea? Sampo? Oko?” asked Matti curious. “Nordea.”

“My second passion is music. At home I have more than two thousands albums. I go to concerts as often as I can. Once I met a guy from a music magazine and he was impressed of my knowledge. Now I’m writing articles about the new hip-hop talents. I also take pictures of the bands. It’s very interesting.” “You don’t want to work only for the magazine?” asked Janne Happonen. “No, it’s just a hobby. It is important to have a hobby that has nothing to do with your job.”

“Are you still married to Piia?” asked Harri Olli. “Yes, I am. Since 2004. We have a daughter that is lovely. We are a happy little family,” Tami told.


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BeitragVerfasst: Mi 20. Okt 2010, 15:40 

Registriert: So 27. Jul 2008, 20:34
Beiträge: 1639
Wohnort: Suomi

“So guys, now we have all the participants to tomorrow’s competition. We have: Anders Jacobsen for Norway, Thomas Morgenstern for Austria, Martin Schmitt for Germany, Andreas Küttel for Switzerland, Vincent Descombes Sevoie for France, Tami Kiuru for Finland, Denis Kornilov for Russia, Kamil Stoch for Poland and Daiki Ito for Japan. Congratulations!” announced Björn Einar Romören while the audience applauded. “Before to go to bed I’ve installed a karaoke. You are free to use it and to have fun. Everybody can try and nobody will be ridiculous. There is no recording system. Enjoy the evening!” the entertainer exclaimed.

“Well, I think that it’s time to get drunk,” said Harri Olli. “Totally agree,” replied Matti Hautamäki that hated karaoke. The Finnish table was full of bottles of beer. Nobody wanted to sing. “I suggest that someone tell us his story. Who’s next?” asked Veli-Matti. “It’s too late and it’s not funny if everybody gets drunk before the end of the story. I’ll tell mine tomorrow,” said Janne Happonen.

After have sung Gregor Schlierenzauer proposed another competition: that every country chose a singer and that the others gave a grad. Many people protested. “I’ve to drink at least 20 beers,” Matti said. “You will sleep on the table like when you were young,” commented Janne Happonen. “But I’m still young! I still watch cartoons, go to concerts, parties, I drink like when I was 20 and I’m still able to play the guitar,” he explained. “If you are like when you were 20, may I ask you if you are still that messy?” asked Harri Olli. “It’s not your business,” he replied while he drank his second beer. “I guess it means yes,” the biologist said almost laughing in his glass. “Okay I go to represent Finland, so that you don’t have to worry. You can continue drinking. You will not have to sing,” Janne Ahonen said while he got up and walked to Gregor to take the microphone. “I want to sing My Way,” Janne chose.

At the end of the song, everybody applauded and the average of the grades were 19 over 20 like in ski jumping. “Thanks Janne. The others have big pressure on the shoulders. I don’t know if someone will be able to beat us. I mean you,” said Jussi Hautamäki. “Here is a beer to thank you,” Janne Happonen gave to the other Janne. “Thanks but I don’t drink.” “What? Are you serious? Since when?” asked Havu. “Well, I had some health problems and my doctor told me to stop drinking alcohol. Not forever. But for a certain period,” he explained. “What happened?” asked Veli-Matti curious. “It’s a long story. I’ll tell it tomorrow. I’d like to enjoy the evening with friends,” he said with a shy smile.

“Jussi, can I talk to you in private?” Janne Ahonen asked. “Sure.” The two Finns went outside. “What was that pill that you gave me?” “Nothing special. It just gives you some positive energy for a while. Sometimes it’s what we need. Do you want another one?” “No. since half an hour I feel strange. My heart is beating much faster than before and I can’t breathe deeply,” Janne explained. “You should lie down and relax,” Jussi suggested. “Well. Tell to the others that I’m going to sleep.” “Okay. Good night.”

When Jussi was back Andreas Goldberger was singing. He couldn’t believe that it was him. He was probably weighting 150kg. How was it possible? “Look at the whale. It’s Goldie.” “Oh my God,” exclaimed Harri that didn’t recognize the Austrian. “What happened to him?” asked Jussi. “Let’s ask an Austrian. Wolfgang! Wolfgang! Come here!” almost screamed Janne Happonen. “What happened to Andreas?” asked calmly Havu. “He said that he lived for six years in the Amazonian forest in a primitive village and when he was back to Europe he had a big shock. He was lost. And he started to eat. That sounds unbelievable but it’s what he told us,” explained Wolfgang Loitzl that was wearing a beard.


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BeitragVerfasst: Mi 20. Okt 2010, 15:58 

Registriert: So 27. Jul 2008, 20:34
Beiträge: 1639
Wohnort: Suomi
“Where’s Rane?” asked Veli-Matti. “He went to bed. He was tired,” Jussi told. “I’m tired too,” added Tami Kiuru. “Let’s wait for the end of the competition. We are still leading,” Vellu said. “Hey Matti, don’t fell asleep,” his brother said. Matti had some difficulties to keep his eyes open. It was late and after twelve beers he was a bit drunk. Tom Hilde was singing and it was pretty horrible. He was probably drunk and was unable to pronounce each word clearly. It was very painful for the ears. The next singer was not better. It was Simon Ammann totally drunk. It was time that the competition ends. Luckily he was the last competitor. Björn Einar Romören took the microphone and announced that Finland won. The ex-jumpers that where still awake applauded. Then he said that it was time to go to bed and that the breakfast will be served at 9am.

Matti was so drunk that he was sleeping on the table. Janne Happonen and Jussi carried him to the bed. When they arrived in the room they turned on the light, forgetting that Ahonen was sleeping. He moved and turned on the side, making a growl. “Even an elephant is more discreet than you,” he complained. “Sorry,” Havu just answered. When everybody was in his bed, Veli-Matti turned off the light. “Good night,” he wished. “Good night,” someone answered.

Janne Happonen couldn’t sleep. Someone was snoring. It was so noisy that he was unable to fell asleep. He turned on the right side and then on the left and again on the right side. He sat on the bed and looked at the dark room. He tried to identify the source of the noise. He was thinking that it was someone on his right. Who was there? If he remember well there were Matti and Harri. He got up and walked softly to the first bed. It was not Harri. He went to the next one to verify if it was Matti. When he was close there was no more doubt. “Hey, Matti. Wake up,” he said in a very low voice while he touched his shoulder. “Matti… Matti, please wake up,” he insisted. Suddenly Matti opened his eyes. “What’s going on? What are you doing in my bed?” “I’m not in your bed. I just sat to wake you up. Can you please stop snoring? I can’t sleep,” Janne begged. “Sorry but I don’t snore. Go back to your bed,” answered Matti, angry to have been woken up in the middle of the night. Janne went back to his bed and hoped to have good sleep for the following hours.


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BeitragVerfasst: Mi 20. Okt 2010, 19:13 

Registriert: So 27. Jul 2008, 20:34
Beiträge: 1639
Wohnort: Suomi

Veli-Matti Lindström got up around 7:30am. He wore his clothes in the dark and walked silently to the bathroom. He took a shower, shaved and brushed his hair. When he was ready he went down stairs. There was no noise. But he knew than in a couple of minutes his team would come to dress the tables and to prepare the breakfast. He went outside and lighted a cigarette. “I didn’t know that you smoked.” Surprised, Vellu almost got a heart attack. “Oh my God, don’t do that in the early morning. And I don’t smoke. Just one in the morning to relax before to work. What are you doing here so early?” Vellu asked. “I couldn’t sleep anymore,” Janne Ahonen answered smoking his first cigarette of the day and sat on the bench facing the lake. “Did you sleep well?” “I guess,” Janne answered. “Are you hungry?” “Not that much. Maybe in half an hour.” “The breakfast will be ready at 8:30 but you can have something before if you want,” Veli-Matti proposed. “Thanks but I’ll wait for the others.”

When Janne Happonen went to the bathroom he saw Martin Schmitt the nose almost stuck against the mirror. “Morning. What are you doing?” the Finn asked. “I check if I don’t have extra white hair,” the German answered. Janne smiled. “You know, if it’s a problem you can color your hair,” he advised. “Huomenta, good morning, guten Morgen, god morgon,” listed Harri Olli that went straight to the shower. Janne and Martin laughed. In the morning Harri looked like a little robot.

The dining room was almost full. The breakfast was a buffet and the Swiss team was the first one to take food. It was also because it was the first one to be complete. In a way it was not so challenging because they were only two. At the Finnish table the Hautamäki brothers were missing. “What are they doing?” asked Janne Happonen who was hungry. “When I left the room Matti was still sleeping but Jussi was not there anymore,” commented Tami Kiuru.

“Don’t you think that the Hautamäki brothers are strange?” said Harri Olli to Janne Happonen. “A bit. They are much more talkative than when they were jumpers. Maybe is it because now they have an interesting life,” Janne guessed. “We don’t know about Jussi. He has not yet told his story. But I’ve the feeling that they are hiding something,” suspected Harri.

“Sorry I’m late again,” said Jussi while everybody was already eating. “I had an important phone call to do. Something about my business,” he justified. “We would like to know more about it and your life in general. What happened during these last ten years?” asked Veli-Matti.


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BeitragVerfasst: Do 21. Okt 2010, 14:58 

Registriert: So 27. Jul 2008, 20:34
Beiträge: 1639
Wohnort: Suomi
Jussi Hautamäki

He was still fit and was still looking good. His skin was quite pale. Maybe was it because of the long Finnish winter. His eyes were a bit reddish like if there were irritated or if he was very tired. His hair was 4cm long and brown, but lighter than his little brother. He was wearing a long green shirt with a hole under the left arm. He had blue jeans that looked quite old. His finger nails were cut very short and some of them had been eaten. He crossed his legs, scratched his head and crossed his arms before to talk. “Well, well, well. What can I say? Last time I saw most of you I was living in Kuopio with my wife Kaisa and our two kids. I was working as carpenter in a construction company. Some years later there was a big crisis in the wood industry. Suddenly the price of the wood crashed to its lowest level in more than twenty years. After some difficult months, some of the employees, including me, were temporary unemployed. It was not that easy to pay the bills and to feed the family. Kaisa was housewife and was not earning money. We were often quarreling. I started to drink regularly. The situation was quite bad. Then I went back to work but I was unable to work properly. I was fired some weeks later. I was lazy, stayed home and my wife was not happy about it as you can guess. Few months later we divorced,” he told. “I feel so sorry for you. How did you manage the situation? Was it better after a while?” asked Veli-Matti.

“No, I was kicked out of the house and I went to live at Ville Kantee’s place. There it was not that good. His girlfriend didn’t like me and was always asking when I would leave. So, I took the train to Helsinki and rang at the door of my brother. Together we had good time: alcohol, girls, fun. Some months later I found a job as salesman in a pet shop,” Jussi explained. “Oh that’s great. I was thinking of buying a dog for my kids when the oldest will be 10,” said Veli-Matti. “Well, I’m not selling this kind of traditional pets. But exotic pets like snakes, spiders, scorpions, lizards, turtles and so on.” Vellu and Havu looked quite shocked. Both didn’t like that kind of animals. Vellu had spider phobia and Havu hated snakes. Who could like such animals? “Is it legal to sell these animals?” asked Havu. “Yes. They have a kind of passport with all the needed controls. If you want one just ask me and I’ll do a discount for a friend.” “No, thanks,” Havu answered without a hesitation. “I hope that you travelled alone,” he added. “Don’t worry. I would tell if I put a scorpion in your bed.” Havu was thrilling. “Maybe I’ll buy someday a lizard. It’s calm and I can make some experiences,” Harri told. “No way. They have a mind. There are not rats for your laboratory. You have to give some love to it. But are you able to give some love?” Jussi asked. “What do you mean? That I’m unable to love someone? I just want to tell you that I’m still married and I love my wife and you, you are divorced!” Harri said pretty upset. “Please guys! Stop it right now,” tempered Veli-Matti. All the other guests were looking at the Finnish table. “We were just discussing. Nothing bad. Drink your coffee before it becomes cold,” said Jussi to the spectators.


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BeitragVerfasst: Do 21. Okt 2010, 16:44 

Registriert: So 27. Jul 2008, 20:34
Beiträge: 1639
Wohnort: Suomi

After the breakfast Adam Malysz announced in the microphone that the next activity was fishing. Of course, there was a new competition: which nation would have more fishes in its bucket at 12. Each team had only two fishing rods. Why two? Simply because the smallest team had only two members. The Finns chose a place under the trees. Veli-Matti and Harri were the first to fish. The others were lain down on the grass. Jussi was drinking a fresh beer and Janne Ahonen was smoking a cigarette. “It will be a hot day,” said Janne Happonen. “Yes, and the insects love that. Go away fucking bug!” exclaimed Jussi fighting with a flying bug. Tami Kiuru squashed a mosquito on his arm. “We will have some troubles soon if they are mosquitoes,” he commented. “I hate them. Summer is so great. Why God created them?” complained Jussi. “How is the fishing?” asked Havu. “Quiet,” answered Harri.

“Jussi, you said earlier that you spent some time in Ville’s flat. How is he doing?” asked Janne Happonen that opened a can of beer. “Well… I don’t really know. He told me that he was doing something with a friend but he never really explained what. I lived three weeks in his flat and I think that I saw him maybe five times. His girlfriend was always complaining about his absences,” he told. Vellu looked at his countrymen on the grass and said: “The latest news I have was that he was following a treatment and couldn’t come here. I have no idea about what. Maybe alcohol? Drug? Or some illness?”

“Can I talk to you in private?” Janne Ahonen asked to Jussi Hautamäki. “Sure.” Both guys walked a bit apart from the group. “What the hell was that fucking pill you gave me yesterday?” “Don’t be so aggressive. Relax,” Jussi answered. “I’m not kidding. Look at my hands!” Janne insisted. Jussi looked and saw that his hands were trembling. “Maybe you’re cold,” he suggested. “Don’t make fun of me. I’m serious.” “Maybe you should take another one. Yesterday evening you felt much better,” Jussi added. “What is it? Some drug? I understand better why you were late. Probably a dog smelled your little pills. What else is in your bag? How many of us do you want to contaminate?” “Calm down man. Everything is fine.” “It’s not!” And Janne pushed Jussi that fell in the water. Everybody was looking in their direction. “Are you mad?” Adam Malysz said to Ahonen. “Ask this fucking bastard why I did it.” “Janne, go inside the house. You’re banned of the competition,” Adam punished. “I don’t care,” Janne answered while he walked back to the house. “Are you okay?” Adam said to Jussi that just exited the lake. “Yes, thanks. He is totally crazy! You should have an eye on him. Maybe he will injure or kill someone before the end of the meeting,” Jussi replied.

“I got one! I got one!” Harri exclaimed while a fish was swinging at the extremity of his rod. “Congratulations! Put it in the bucket,” said Veli-Matti. “Who takes Harri’s rod?” he asked. After a hesitation Tami took his place. Jussi was laid in the grass in the sun to dry his clothes. Janne Happonen opened his third beer. “Well I think that I’m the only one here that doesn’t have yet told his story,” he said. “Yep, you’re right,” Matti replied while he lighted a cigarette.


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BeitragVerfasst: Do 21. Okt 2010, 17:00 

Registriert: So 27. Jul 2008, 20:34
Beiträge: 1639
Wohnort: Suomi
Janne Happonen

Janne was sat on the grass, the legs crossed and his hands behind him. His hair was dark brown almost black and 5 to 6 cm long. He probably needed to go to the hairdresser. But at least he had no white hair and none was missing. He had some wrinkles like the others. Not more not less. He was relaxed. He was wearing a black and white t-shirt and a light brown short with a belt. He weighted some more kilos than when he was jumping. But he looked good and healthy. “After my ski jumper career I worked a bit but nothing really serious. Then I met Maija in a bar in Kuopio. She was the daughter of a director of a wood factory. She had a lot of money and we had a lot of fun: parties, cinema, trips, shopping and so on. Once we decided to travel around the world. During a year we crossed Asia. It was great and interesting. Then we flew to America. In Las Vegas we got married. It was quite funny. In the church, if I can name it church, there were Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley.” “Oh my God! I could never imagine that you would have done it! Sounds totally crazy!” exclaimed Veli-Matti.

“Yes it was. Maybe too much. Well as soon as we were married our relationship changed. I don’t know how to explain it. We were never agreeing on the destinations, we didn’t like the same things and so on. Once we had a big quarrel in the street and as you can guess, a police car came immediately. I said that it was not bad but they pushed me in the car and drove me to the police station like a criminal! In the cell I was with a thief and a killer! I guess that you can imagine that I was scared.” “Oh yes that’s scary. Did you go to jail?” asked Harri Olli curious. “No, they were too busy and when they saw my passport they didn’t want to waste time with a foreigner. Five hours after my arrest I went back to the hotel to see my wife. And guess what?” “She was waiting for you?” guessed Vellu. “She was drunk because she thought that you would never come back?” suggested Harri. “No! She was in the bed with a man!” Janne exclaimed. “Oh that’s bad. What have you done?” asked Tami. “I went to the bar. The next day we went to a lawyer and divorced. It was done in fifteen minutes. The problem was that I had no more money with me. I was ashamed but I called my parents to ask them to pay me a plane ticket to go back to Finland,” he told.

“When I was back in Kuopio I needed a job and I went to the police office to apply. But Kuopio is a small town and the rumors about me were circulating. Some weeks later they informed me that I was refused because I was in jail in US! I complained and said that I never went to jail. I explained that I was arrested because I was quarrelling with my wife in the street. They promised to look again at my application. But one week later they said that I failed the psycho test! I was very pissed off. Then I tried to work in shops, as taxi driver or at the railway station. No way. Nobody wanted to hire me. My father told me to move to Helsinki where nobody would know my story and that it was easier to get a job.” “Rumors are so bad. Look, they forced you to live Kuopio! That’s unbelievable,” commented Harri Olli. “In Helsinki I applied at the police station and I got the job three days later,” Janne continued.

“Maybe you wonder where I met again Matti?” Matti was smiling and was waiting for the comments of his former teammates. “Once I was in the car with a colleague checking the speed of the cars in a road limited at 40km/h. Suddenly a guy with a sports car passed with a speed of 81km/h! We immediately drove after him. When the cars were stopped I asked the driver that wore sunglasses if he saw the panel with the speed limit. He answered that he was in a hurry and that he had no idea at what speed he was driving. I asked for his driving license and when I saw his name I looked more carefully. It was Matti!” “Yeah yeah, it was me. But do you know what? This bastard gave me a bill of 800€ and took my license for three months!” Matti exclaimed. “That’s the law,” Janne justified. “Matti, you’re a bad guy,” commented Harri. “Come on Harri. Don’t tell me that you are a saint. How many times have you lost your license?” Matti asked. “Maybe five times. But that’s not that much. I’ve my license since 17 years. It means that I lose it every 3.4 years or every 41 months if you prefer. That’s not too bad,” Harri explained. “My grand-father drove during forty years and he never lost his license,” added Veli-Matti.

“I will finish my story. I met Matti three years ago. So, what happened during these three years? You won’t believe it but I got married once more in autumn 2017 with a colleague. It was great until the day she told me that she was bored to live with me because I didn’t spend enough time with her. One day I came home and a suitcase was waiting behind the door. I understood and I asked Veli-Matti if I could spend the night in his house. He kindly accepted and I stayed… seven months.” “Seven months! With four kids running everywhere?” asked surprised Harri. “Yes but I understand many things. I learnt what the words family, kids and love really meant. And since eight months I live alone in a studio and I still work at the police station but in Pasila not anymore in Helsinki centre,” Janne concluded.


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BeitragVerfasst: Do 21. Okt 2010, 18:10 

Registriert: So 27. Jul 2008, 20:34
Beiträge: 1639
Wohnort: Suomi
End of the fishing competition

Björn Einar Romören, Veli-Matti Lindström and Adam Malysz collected all the buckets. While they were counting the fishes, the fishers were drinking beer, Cola, water or milk. “How was the fishing?” asked Martin Schmitt to the Finns. “I guess that you fish them all,” Happonen said and Martin laughed. “Don’t worry. We didn’t catch many either. We had some nice talks but the mosquitoes were really annoying,” the German complained. “That’s part of the summer,” reminded Harri. “We also had nice discussions. Did you know that Havu has been arrested in the US?” he confessed. “Oh no. Really? Havu, arrested? But he is so kind. What have you done?” Martin asked. “Nothing bad. Just quarreling in the street. And did you know that Harri lost his driving license five times in 17 years?” “You don’t need to tell it to everybody,” Harri complained. “Same for me!” Janne replied. “Guys, let’s have a beer. You need it,” the German tempered.

“Guys, a bit of silence please,” requested Björn Einar Romören. “Each team fished at least one fish. And I can tell you that we have enough of them to have a good dinner. In total you collected 35 fishes. The members of the committee are impressed. Great job! You can applaud yourself!” And it was what the audience did. “Of course you want to know who was the best team, isn’t it? Suspense, suspense. The winning team is… Russia with six fishes! Congratulations!” Everybody applauded the winners. “So the Russians have the honor to get first their lunch food. Enjoy!” Björn concluded.

Few minutes later Janne Ahonen joined the table. “Welcome back. What have you done until now?” Veli-Matti asked. “Nothing special. I was in the room just relaxing,” he answered in a low voice. “How was the fishing competition?” “Boring and we didn’t win. We got only two fishes,” said Matti. The meal was spaghetti Bolognese. Harri was not very at ease to roll the long pasta. Suddenly some sauce was projected on his shirt. “Shit!” he swore. Matti laughed. “You’re eating like a piggy!” “It’s not funny!” Harri replied. “It’s not bad. Just some tomato sauce. Let your shirt in the sun an afternoon and the mark will disappear,” Veli-Matti advised. “You’re kidding, are you?” Harri asked surprised. “No, no. I’m serious. It really works. I don’t know if there is a scientific explanation but yeah it works,” explained Vellu. “I think that we have to listen to another story,” said Jussi.


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BeitragVerfasst: Fr 22. Okt 2010, 14:38 

Registriert: So 27. Jul 2008, 20:34
Beiträge: 1639
Wohnort: Suomi
Janne Ahonen

In appearance Janne changed quite a lot. He was maybe weighting only 60 kg, his hair were grey, his skin looked old and tired. His shirt was too large and his trouser seemed to be old. “When I stopped my career I had a perfect life: house, kids, wife, money, cars, boat, a company, many friends and so on. Then of course after one year the sponsors ended the contracts. My company was going fine but I was not careful enough for the accounting. I did some mistakes like to forget to pay the VAT or my suppliers. Not once but many times. I was living with the same budget than before. But five years later the problems arrived. My company went bankrupt and my bank account was close to zero. I was forced to sell my house. With Tiia we were quarreling. I was always promising to find a solution but I never found one. Once I went to a painting exhibition in the city hall and I met a nice woman. I didn’t recognize her immediately. She was the wife of the mayor. Together we had an affair. The press discovered it few weeks later. It was a big scandal.” “Yes, I remember the newspapers. I think it’s the last time I saw your name in the press,” commented Veli-Matti.

“Tiia was closed to divorce. It was also difficult for the kids. At school the children or parents were commenting. Then we decided to move to Helsinki. There it was not much better. With Tiia we decided to don’t live together but to don’t divorce. We thought that we needed to think a bit of the situation without quarreling every time we met. It was also better for the kids. In one year I got something like seven different jobs. All temporary and not well paid. Tiia was working in a kindergarten and was doing much better than me. I asked if I could come back but she refused. The kids were with me one weekend every two weeks. I missed them a lot. I think that you all guessed that during that difficult time I was drinking… too much,” Janne admitted. “Well, I think that I would have reacted like you,” Matti said. “By the way, I watch ski jumping last winter and I haven’t seen Mico. Is he still jumping?” asked Janne Happonen. “No, he gave up when he was 12. He said that he was not good enough and was not motivated to train. He preferred to meet his friends,” Ahonen explained.

“Let’s continue my story. Few months later I met a girl. She was nice and I was happy to don’t sleep alone every night. A weekend the boys were in my flat. But Sonja sent me an SMS and asked me to come to her place. Mico was 16 and I asked him to look after his little brother. I let them alone and spent the evening with my girlfriend. When I went back the street was blocked and the building where I lived was in fire. I asked a policeman if I could go because I was living there and that my sons were at home. But he refused. I was in a panic. Suddenly Mico came from behind. I was so happy that he was safe. I asked where Milo was. He told me that he left the flat some minutes after me to go out in town with his friends. Milo was watching TV and promised to be a good boy. He was only 9…” Janne said while he cried. “Oh my God! That’s terrible!” Vellu said while he got up and hugged Janne. The others were mute.

“Is everything okay?” said Björn Einar Romören while he came to the table of the Finns. “Yes, Janne told his story and… it is the most difficult one to listen,” Janne Happonen said. “I’m sorry, I’ve to go outside,” Ahonen said. “I come with you,” said Vellu.

The two Finns sat on the bench. Janne lighted a cigarette. And dried his last tear. “I think that this meeting is really a great idea. When we have some problems we should not be shy or ashamed to ask for help. Sometimes it’s hard to ask the family. But now we are here. We are all friends. If you want you can come to my house whenever you want,” Vellu said. “Thanks. My life is a mess. I live in Hell since that night,” Janne confessed. Janne Happonen, Harri Olli, Matti and Jussi Hautamäki and Tami Kiuru went outside and sat on the grass in front of the bench. “We are a group, we are friends, we are a family. We should always keep in touch with each other,” Tami said. “Do you want to tell the end of your story?” asked Matti a bit curious. “Let him in peace,” replied Vellu. “No, he’s right. You all have told your story until the end. I’ll try to finish mine,” said Ahonen.

“Some weeks later we were informed that the fire came from the flat under mine. The guy forgot a candle near the curtains. Milo was the only one to don’t survive. Tiia wanted to divorce. She couldn’t forgive me to have let the kids alone in the flat. At the same time my girlfriend broke up. I said nothing at work. But I was not working well. I was fired three weeks later. Finally I was alone with my bottle. I was an alcoholic. During one year I did absolutely nothing. Just walking around and sleeping on the benches or when it was cold on the couch of other alcoholics. When I looked at my reflection in the mirrors I felt too ashamed to contact my family. Last winter I was badly sick. I had pneumonia and I was close to die. Then when I was better I went to a centre to cure my alcoholism. In March I checked my emails and when I read the message of Vellu I thought that it was great. This meeting was my aim. I had to be healthy again to meet you. But the other problem was to come there. I had no money. One day three nurses came to me and said that they sold some pastries at the church market. They collected money for me. They bought for me the plane ticket. It was one of the most beautiful days in my life. And I’m here,” he concluded. “You are so courageous. I think that I would not be able to do it,” Matti said. “You need a pet. I think that you loved to have a snake.” “Jussi, shut up. Go away,” Matti ordered to his brother.


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BeitragVerfasst: Sa 23. Okt 2010, 08:45 

Registriert: So 27. Jul 2008, 20:34
Beiträge: 1639
Wohnort: Suomi
Master poker

The winners of each nation were sat around the table after the fish dinner. All of them wanted to win. The two first rounds were calm. It was the beginning. But in the third round Thomas Morgenstern attacked. Only Kamil Stoch and Anders Jacobsen followed. Kamil lost. It was a dual between Norway and Austria. None wanted to give up. The amount of chips on the table was already quite important. “Okay, now show your cards,” said Björn that was the judge. And the winner was the Austrian. Anders was not very happy. He lost a lot of cash and had to win the next round if he wanted to survive to other attacks. Luckily for the Norwegian he took all the chips of Daiki Ito. Japan was the first nation to leave the game.

Outside Veli-Matti was showing the pictures of his sons to his countrymen. “Oliver is very clever. You tell something and he remembers. He is very good at school. I’m sure that he will go to university when he’ll be older. Kimi, ah Kimi. He is a daredevil and he never listens. He loves to transform the house into a battle field. My wife becomes crazy. Aleksander is an artist. He loves to paint and draw. And Juha, well he is only six months old. The only thing I can tell you is that he wakes us up at least once per night,” he explained. “You are so courageous. I can’t deal with two cats, imagine me with kids…” Matti exposed.

The game became dramatic. In less than ten minutes Russia and France left the competition. Switzerland, Germany and Norway were in danger. Poland, Finland and Austria were clearly leading. In a fantastic dual Tami Kiuru eliminated Andreas Küttel. The Swiss took a beer and joined the ex-jumpers that were outside. Inside it was too hot. He needed to breathe some fresh air. He walked to the lake to see who was swimming. “Is it cold?” “No, just perfect. Do you want to join?” asked Gregor Schlierenzauer. “Well I don’t have a swimming suit,” Andi explained. “Me neither!” the Austrian laughed. “Okay, I’m coming.”

“Janne? How is Mico?” asked Janne Happonen. The Finns were lain in the grass. “Well after the accident he lived exclusively with Tiia. I saw him very rarely. He was not doing well at school. He also went to the psychologist. I’ve no idea if it helped him or not. Two months ago Tiia sent me an SMS and told me that he was in US to learn English. I just said that it was great. I don’t know if he wants to be in touch with me or not,” Ahonen explained. “But I guess that you miss him,” added Havu. “Sure. But currently I prefer that he don’t meet me. I would like to be healthy again when we will meet. I’d like that he’ll be proud of me.” “You’re a good father and very courageous. I’m convinced that he’ll be very proud of you. I live in a studio in Pasila. You can come to my place when your treatment will be finished. My couch is waiting for you,” Havu proposed. “Thank you. That’s very kind from you. You know the day before to take the plane I was quite nervous. I didn’t know if it was better to lie and to invent a life or to just be myself. And if I told the truth what would you think of me,” Ahonen confessed. “Nobody’s perfect. I heard all the stories and I can tell you that nobody had a perfect life without problems,” Havu explained. “Look, Martin Schmitt is outside. Let’s see if Tami is bringing Finland to the victory or if we are close to be eliminated,” Ahonen said.


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BeitragVerfasst: Sa 23. Okt 2010, 16:18 

Registriert: So 27. Jul 2008, 20:34
Beiträge: 1639
Wohnort: Suomi
Many people were watching the game. The concentration was at the maximum. But to win the players have to be offensive. Anders Jacobsen was forced to attack. He had only 5 chips in front of him. Without a surprise he was eliminated. Around the table there were: Thomas, Tami and Kamil. In the audience some people were betting on the winner. Suddenly the luck left Kamil. After one dual against Tami and two against Thomas he was out. “Finland or Austria? Who will be the master?” said Björn like if he was presenting a wrestling fight. “I hope that Finland wins. Austria wins too much in World Cup,” murmured Martin Schmitt.

Outside Matti Hautamäki was reading his emails on his mobile phone. “You don’t go inside to watch the game?” asked Georg Späth. “No, there are enough people to watch. And it’s boring. I’m not playing. I should be around that table. I was just unlucky in the last round,” Matti described. “So, what do you think?” “Of what?” the Finns asked. “Of the condom on the night desk,” the German specified. “Well… I don’t know. Mine is still in the plastic.” “Do you like the layout? Is it attractive? If it’s on the shelf in a shop will you buy them?” “Georg, your condom looks like a candy.” “Okay, thanks for your feedback. How often do you use them?” “It’s not your business. And why these questions? Why me? I’m not the only one to fuck,” Matti answered a bit angry in the voice. “The German market is dominated by two brands and I was thinking to expend to another market.” “But why Finland? We are 5 millions and maybe only 3 can use your… your product.” “Yes, you’re right. But my next objective will be Russia,” Georg explained. “Do you know how many gays there are in Finland?” he asked. “No, sorry. I don’t look at that kind of statistics. Maybe Harri knows. He loves numbers.” “Can I ask you a personal question?” “Depends,” Matti answered the arms crossed. “Since when do you and Jussi use drugs?” “What? We are not drug addicts. How can you pretend it!” The Finn replied, shocked. “So explain me why you and your brother are the only ones to wear long shirts by 23 degrees.” “We are… we feel the cold. Now, I go to watch the end of the game and that discussion was our last one for the next ten years. Do you understand?” Matti insisted by touching the chest of the German with his index and looking at him through the eyes. “Yes, I understand.”

When Matti entered in the house there was an explosion of joy. Everybody was shouting. It was not possible to come closer and he didn’t understand the name of the winner. Few minutes later Adam Malysz took the microphone and announced: “Gentleman, I’ve the honor to tell you that the master country is Finland! Congratulations!” Matti was happy. Finally he lost the day before against the master. “That so great! Congratulations!” said Michael Uhrmann to Matti. The Finn was surprised because he didn’t play. Tami was very happy. At the beginning of the game he would never thought that he would beat Morgenstern.

For the last night Veli-Matti grilled some sausages, some people had a sauna and some others were just drinking beers. The German speakers, Germans, Austrians and Swiss, were singing together. After the sauna the Finns promised to keep in touch. “I invite you for a barbecue and a sauna on my island in July,” Harri Olli proposed. “That’s a great idea,” replied Janne Happonen. “I can bring my guitar,” said Matti. “Is your island big enough for the Lindström family?” Ahonen asked half joking. “Well, if they don’t move too much it should be okay. But I was more thinking of an afternoon or a weekend just for us. Not with our girlfriends, wives and children,” Harri explained. “If you want to be rich, just give me some money,” proposed Matti. “Stock market? No way. I’ve a friend that lost almost everything,” Havu confessed. “Whose phone is ringing?” Harri asked. Everybody was listening. “Oh it’s mine. Sorry,” Ahonen said while he sat and answered. “Yes… Oh it’s you!” he exclaimed while he got up and left the group.


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BeitragVerfasst: So 24. Okt 2010, 13:43 

Registriert: So 27. Jul 2008, 20:34
Beiträge: 1639
Wohnort: Suomi
“Where is Jussi?” asked Happonen. “No idea. I go to check the room,” answered the little brother. Some minutes later Harri was cold. “I go to the room to take a jacket,” he justified while he left. Before to open the door he stopped and listened. Someone was talking but he was unable to understand. He kneeled a bit and looked by the lock. “Oh my God!” he whispered. What to do: to open the door or to talk to a member of the committee. He chose the first option. “What are you doing here?” asked Jussi while Matti was hiding something in his back. “You should answer the question yourself,” Harri replied. Jussi went close. So close that Harri was blocked between him and the wall. “If you tell a word to someone I kill you. And I’m not kidding. So now you go back to the others. You have seen and heard absolutely nothing. Am I clear?” “You’re disgusting,” Harri dared to reply. “Do you want to die tonight?” “You will not do it. Everybody will know that it’s you and you will never leave that country.” “Doesn’t matter. Food is good here and people are rich,” Jussi added. “Okay. I stay mute. But don’t try again. Poor guys,” Harri said while he caught his jacket.

“Is everything okay? You look pale,” Tami Kiuru said. “I need a glass of vodka,” Harri said while he walked to the table. “Something happened to the room. I’m sure about it. It’s my policeman instinct that tells it to me,” Happonen replied to the others. He got up and went to the room. He opened the door. It was dark and when he turned on the light, nobody was there. He turned off the light and closed the door.

“Who was at the phone?” Vellu asked when Janne Ahonen was back. “My son. He just told me that he was engaged and wanted to marry his girlfriend.” “You should be happy! Maybe in less than two years you’ll be grand-father!” “It’s not that great. Believe me. I will inform Tiia tomorrow. I have not enough energy to handle that problem,” Janne explained. “Maybe he found the love of his life,” Tami guessed. “He is not yet 19. He is a young stupid teenager. It will be my next challenge,” Janne explained quite exhausted.


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